Displaying 151 - 160 of 258

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China: A New Paradigm in Branchless Banking

While many banked people already use mobile banking in China, the country also has the potential to emerge as an important success story for branchless banking and financial inclusion and potentially a new paradigm.

Case Study: Mobile Money-Based Government-to-Person Payments in Haiti

This case study discusses the design and implementation of the Ti Manman Cheri conditional cash transfer program in Haiti as well as the experiences of stakeholders and overall lessons learned from this program.

Case Study: E-Payments in Uganda with Limited Infrastructure

This case study tracks the design and implementation of the SAGE social transfer program in Uganda, highlights the experiences of various stakeholders and explains lessons learned.

Case Study: Shifting Food Assistance in Kenya to E-Payments

This case study discusses the program elements of the World Food Programme’s Cash for Assets pilot in Kenya, as well as the design and

Case Study: Striving for E-payments at Scale in the Philippines

This case study examines the design and implementation of the 4Ps conditional cash transfer program in the Philippines, explains the experiences of stakeholders and presents lessons learned.

Greenfield MFIs in Sub-Saharan Africa

This Forum explores the contribution of greenfield MFIs to access to finance in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).The greenfield model has come a long way in a short time in SSA from seven greenfield MFIs in 2006 to 31 by 2012.

Bitcoin Versus Electronic Money

This Brief provides information about Bitcoin and contrasts Bitcoin with e-money to avoid alarm about the former to the detriment of the latter.

The Emerging Global Landscape of Mobile Microinsurance

This Brief describes CGAP’s initial supply-side scan of the emerging trend of mobile microinsurance. It analyzes the different provider models and explores the role played by mobile channels to date, with a view to providing an initial basis for understanding these developments

Designing Customer-Centric Branchless Banking Offerings

This Brief explores how human-centered design (HCD) could be applied to branchless banking and its unique challenges.