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Social Cash Transfers and Financial Inclusion

This Focus Note analyzes the profitability, affordability and use of electronic social cash transfers in Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and South Africa. By the end of 2012, it is expected that in the countries studied, only a small minority of G2P recipients will still be paid in cash.

Information Systems Technical Guide

The Guide is organized based on a four-step process aimed at procuring a new technology solution: project preparation, needs analysis, selection, and implementation. At the beginning of each section, a figure indicates which tool(s) accompany that section, the activities the institution should undertake, and the key considerations.

Bank Agents: Risk Management, Mitigation, and Supervision

This Focus Note discusses the activities (and related risks) in which bank agents may engage, management and mitigation of agent-related risks, approaches to licensing and supervision of bank agent businesses, and possible corrective measures supervisors may take.

CGAP G2P Research Project: Mexico Country Report

This report summarizes the findings of research conducted in Mexico on the business case for shifting Oportunidades payments to a financially inclusive scheme, from the standpoint of the payer bank, the recipients, and the program itself.

CGAP G2P Research Project: Brazil Country Report

This report summarizes the findings of research conducted in Brazil on the business case for shifting Bolsa Família payments to a bank account-based (financially inclusive) payment scheme, from the standpoint of the payer bank, the recipients, and the program itself.

CGAP G2P Research Project: South Africa Report

This report covers the South Africa study in which interviews were conducted and information gathered from three government agencies, two banks, and 10 focus groups of clients.

Branchless Banking in Pakistan: A Laboratory for Innovation

This Brief highlights key challenges and opportunities that are likely to shape the branchless banking market in Pakistan in the near term.

Advancing Savings Services: Resource Guide for Funders

This resource guide is intended to gather in one source the issues funders need to consider when focusing on the expansion of voluntary savings mobilizations.

Credit Reporting at the Base of the Pyramid

Over the past five years, the microcredit sector has experienced unprecedented growth. The number of borrowers served by microfinance institutions (MFIs) has increased threefold to reach 120 million clients.

The Role of Funders in Responsible Finance

This Brief addresses the recent movement toward responsible finance, which has shaped the industry's belief that financial service providers have a responsibility to deliver financial services in a way that is transparent, fair, safe, and likely to generate benefits for poor clients.