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National Survey and Segmentation of Smallholder Households in Côte d’Ivoire

Côte d’Ivoire is the largest producer and exporter of cocoa beans and cashew nuts, and a top exporter of coffee and palm oil. Nevertheless, Ivorian smallholder farmers who contribute the most to the agricultural sector are largely neglected by formal financial institutions.

National Survey and Segmentation of Smallholder Households in Bangladesh

CGAP conducted a nationally representative survey of smallholder households in Bangladesh in 2016. The survey explored the agricultural and nonagricultural activities, financial practices and interests, and challenges and aspirations of smallholder families in Bangladesh.

CGAP Smallholder Household Surveys: Bangladesh User Guide

This Data Set User's Guide provides information on the methodology used for the 2016 CGAP Smallholder Household Surveys in Bangladesh.

Digitizing Value Chain Finance for Smallholder Farmers

The digitization of value chain finance—financial services that flow to or through any point in a value chain—is changing the way smallholders access the financial tools necessary to invest in their farms, manage risk, and transact with markets. CGAP explores opportunities and emerging models in digital value chain finance.

CGAP Smallholder Household Surveys: Nigeria User Guide

Over three-quarters of the population in Nigeria are involved in the agriculture sector. Yet despite their active financial and agricultural lives, smallholders in Nigeria have few tools to manage their irregular and volatile household cash flows.

Financial Inclusion for the Rural Poor Using Agent Networks in Peru

This working paper explores how installing branchless banking agents and implementing financial trust workshops in Peru impacts JUNTOS users’ attitudes towards the formal financial system and, in turn, their savings behavior within it.

Graduation Pathways

The graduation approach is expected to grow in scale and influence, with strong demand from governments to create nationally scaled programs.

Eliminating Extreme Poverty

Continued reduction of extreme poverty will require targeted interventions to help the poorest increase their standard of living. Effective social protection programs are critical to this effort. Livelihood development programs, lump-sum cash transfers, and graduation programs have the potential to help the very poor increase incomes to move out of extreme poverty.

National Survey and Segmentation of Smallholder Households in Tanzania

This report examines how smallholder families in Tanzania manage their income and expenses, along with the challenges they face that often lead to financial instability. These findings are based on a nationally representative survey of smallholder households conducted in 2015.