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Incentives for the Introduction of Agents in Colombia

In August 2006, 309 out of 1,100 municipalities in Colombia did not have the presence of a bank. Today 99% of all municipalities have access to financial services thanks to increased coverage by agents. Incentives offered by Banca de las Oportunidades were essential in expanding this access.

Understanding the Financial Service Needs of the Poor in Mexico

This Brief addresses the need for a deeper understanding of the financial needs of poor people. It takes a specific look at segmentation in Mexico.

Volume Growth and Valuation Contraction

This fourth annual Global Microfinance Equity Valuation Survey Report provides benchmarks for the valuation of microfinance equity, both private and publicly listed, to promote market transparency and identify industry trends.

CGAP G2P Research Project: Mexico Country Report

This report summarizes the findings of research conducted in Mexico on the business case for shifting Oportunidades payments to a financially inclusive scheme, from the standpoint of the payer bank, the recipients, and the program itself.

CGAP G2P Research Project: Brazil Country Report

This report summarizes the findings of research conducted in Brazil on the business case for shifting Bolsa Família payments to a bank account-based (financially inclusive) payment scheme, from the standpoint of the payer bank, the recipients, and the program itself.

CGAP G2P Research Project: Colombia Country Report

This report summarizes the findings of research conducted in Colombia on the business case for shifting Familias payments to a financially inclusive scheme linked to bank accounts, from the standpoint of BA, the recipients, and the program itself.

Financial Inclusion and Consumer Protection in Peru

CGAP partnered with the Superintendence of Banks, Insurance and AFPs of Peru in late 2008, with the purpose of enhancing the understanding of the issues and trends in consumer relations when financial services are delivered through branchless banking, particularly through agents, which are used in ever increasing scale in Peru.

Regulation of Branchless Banking in Brazil

This update of CGAP’s 2008 “Notes on Regulation of Branchless Banking in Brazil” incorporates research conducted by CGAP in January 2010.

Regulation of Branchless Banking in Mexico

This update of CGAP's 2009 "Notes on Regulation of Branchless Banking in Mexico" incorporates research conducted by CGAP in January 2010.

Regulation of Branchless Banking in Colombia

This update of CGAP’s 2008 “Diagnostic Report on the Legal and Regulatory Environment for Branchless Banking in Colombia” incorporates research conducted by CGAP in January 2010.