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Cross-border Funding of Microfinance

This Focus Note draws on data from CGAP’s annual surveys on cross-border funding (2009, 2010) to provide an overview of the microfinance funding landscape and trends in cross-border funding.


This guide introduces microfinance institutions to securitization as a potential source of financing.

Microfinance Investors Adjust Strategy in Tougher Market Conditions

Microfinance Investment Vehicles in 2010 are confronting the most challenging investment environment since the 1990s.

Negotiating an Equity Capital Infusion from Outside Investors

The purpose of this guide is to familiarize microfinance institutions with some of the issues that are commonly addressed in the negotiation of an equity capital infusion from outside investors.

Apexes: An Important Source of Local Funding

Apexes are an important source of local funding for microfinance—and even more so since the global financial crisis.

MIV Performance and Prospects

CGAP’s 2009 Microfinance Investment Vehicles (MIVs) Survey sheds light on the resilience of microfinance investments.

Appraisal Guide for Microfinance Institutions

This publication includes a technical guide with essentials for an appraisal; a resource manual; and a spreadsheet to generate summary tables.

Foreign Capital Investment in Microfinance

Microfinance is experiencing an unprecedented investment boom. The past five years have seen remarkable increases in the volume of global microfinance investments. Between 2004 and 2006, the stock of foreign capital investment—covering both debt and equity—more than tripled to US$4 billion.

Microfinance Investment Vehicles

This Brief explores implications of the rapid growth of MIVs for the microfinance industry.

The Market for Foreign Investment in Microfinance

Many microfinance institutions (MFIs) in developing and transition economies have received foreign funding, especially the larger MFIs. Most of that funding has consisted of grants or highly subsidized loans from donor agencies, including such bilateral donors as Agence Française de Développement or the US Agency for International Development, and multilateral agencies such as the United Nations Development Programme or the World Bank.