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Risk-Based Customer Due Diligence: Regulatory Approaches

Regulators face a challenge in balancing policies on anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism against their financial inclusion goals. This Technical Note provides guidance on using risk-based approaches to customer due diligence, with examples from around the world.

Deposit Insurance Treatment of E-Money: An Analysis of Policy Choices

The expansion of digital financial accounts among poor customers has raised the question of whether e-money should be covered by deposit insurance and if so, how. This Technical Note examines the options while arguing that deposit insurance should not be the first line of defense in many emerging markets.

The Future of G2P Payments: Expanding Customer Choice

There’s a better way to deliver government-to-person (G2P) payments. Modernizing the delivery architecture can increase value for customers, lower government costs and create competition among financial service providers.

Beyond KYC Utilities: Collaborative Customer Due Diligence

CGAP has developed a typology to help policy makers and financial service providers evaluate the financial inclusion potential of a new range of collaborative approaches to customer due diligence to combat money laundering and terror financing.

Safeguarding Rules for Customer Funds Held by EMIs

This Technical Note looks in detail at safeguards such as maintaining customer funds in bank accounts and diversifying funds across several banks to reduce the concentration risk. It also discusses the option – offered in some countries – of placing funds in other safe, liquid assets.

A Guide to Supervising E-Money Issuers

This paper provides general guidance to supervisors in emerging markets and developing economies who are designing proportional approaches to EMI supervision, and serves as a reference for drafting or improving EMI supervision manuals in a few specific areas.

I-SIP Toolkit: Policy Making for an Inclusive Financial System

A how-to guide for financial sector policy makers on successfully managing the interplay among four core objectives – financial inclusion, stability, integrity and consumer protection.
Reading Deck

Module 1: Introduction to Behavioral Policymaking

This course comprises four short learning modules that connect behavioral concepts to consumer protection priorities policy makers face and share use cases from policy makers across the globe.
Reading Deck

Digital Credit Market Monitoring in Tanzania

Transactional and demographic data on over 20 million digital loans in Tanzania paints a first-of-its-kind picture of the digital credit market, revealing troubling rates of delinquency and default and suggesting that funders should place greater emphasis on consumer protection.
Reading Deck

Cybersecurity for Mobile Financial Services

This deck answers key questions regulators, supervisors, mobile network operators, and digital financial services providers have about vulnerabilities in mobile financial services and countermeasures that can be taken to address data security.