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CGAP Smallholder Household Surveys: Nigeria User Guide

Over three-quarters of the population in Nigeria are involved in the agriculture sector. Yet despite their active financial and agricultural lives, smallholders in Nigeria have few tools to manage their irregular and volatile household cash flows.

Development Finance Institutions and Financial Inclusion

It is time for DFIs to adopt an alternative approach to financial inclusion that prioritizes needed market changes. A shift to a market systems approach addresses this need and requires that DFIs carefully analyze each market to determine the key gaps, underlying causes, critical actors, and theory of change for bringing about sustainable market development.

Digital Finance and Innovations in Financing for Education

Innovations in digital finance can play a role in the Sustainable Development Goals' aim to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.”

Market System Assessment of Digital Financial Services in WAEMU

This study aims to map the market system for DFS in WAEMU, including key actors in supply and demand, rules (e.g., regulations for e-money, telecommunications, competition), and supporting functions (e.g., agent networks, information providers); identify systemic constraints or root causes that explain why the DFS market is currently not serving the needs of low-income populations; and identify opportunities for triggering systems-level change.

National Survey and Segmentation of Smallholder Households in Tanzania

This report examines how smallholder families in Tanzania manage their income and expenses, along with the challenges they face that often lead to financial instability. These findings are based on a nationally representative survey of smallholder households conducted in 2015.

CGAP Smallholder Household Surveys: Tanzania User Guide

Over three-quarters of the population in Tanzania are involved in the agriculture sector. Yet despite their active financial and agricultural lives, smallholders in Tanzania have few tools to manage their irregular and volatile household cash flows.

The Role of Financial Services in Building Household Resilience

This paper draws upon formative research, “resilience diaries,” qualitative follow-up, and economic games to illustrate how families anticipate and cope with shocks in Burkina Faso. Designing for these household behaviors and preferences could improve financial services offered for building resilience.

Resilience and Health Shocks

Based upon the findings of a field experiment conducted in rural Burkina Faso, this working paper suggests that health savings accounts and health loans have the potential to help the poor better manage health shocks and build resilience.

How Do You Know “Resilience” When You See It?

The findings presented in this working paper are based upon research conducted in Burkina Faso. They provide unique insights into the set of factors, if reinforced by financial institutions and development practitioners, that are likely to strengthen household resilience.