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Microfinance Poverty Assessment Tool

The multi-dimensional Poverty Index constructed by the tool is for donors and investors who require a standardized, globally applicable set of poverty indicators to make poverty-focused funding decisions and to compare MFIs across regions and countries.

Disclosure Guidelines for Financial Reporting by MFIs

This Consensus Guidelines represents the consensus of CGAP's member donors on microfinance institution (MFI) financial reporting requirements. The guidelines do not prescribe accounting policies or any particular format for financial reporting. Rather, they indicate the minimum information that should be included in MFI financial reports, regardless of how that information is presented.

The Impact of Microfinance

This Donor Brief looks at how donor funding for microfinance can be powerful as a complement to investment in other social services.

Microfinance Means Financial Services for the Poor

This Donor Brief summarizes the vision and strategy of CGAP members to bring microfinance to the scale required to serve millions worldwide.

Why Donors Need to Understand Product Development

Product development in microfinance makes a lot of sense because clients need more than one type of loan or service. MFIs often ask for support to expand their product line, but developing products is not easy. This Donor Brief provides guidelines for donors who want to make the best use of funds for product development.

Making Sense of Microcredit Interest Rates

Why do microfinance institutions (MFIs) charge such high interest rates to the poor? This Donor Brief gives donors a quick reference to use when answering questions about seemingly high microcredit interest rates. It also explains how donors can tell if an MFI's rates are too high and suggests what to do.

Water, Water Everywhere, but Not a Drop to Drink

"Water" in this title refers to donor funds for microfinance institutions (MFIs). Strong MFIs have an oversupply of donor funds, it seems money is everywhere. But many smaller and promising MFIs cannot get the funds they need to grow. This Donor Brief addresses how donor funding can become more effective.

Microcredit: One of Many Intervention Strategies

Microcredit is just one of many strategies that can alleviate poverty, generate income, and promote employment. This Donor Brief outlines for donors when microcredit will be successful, when it is inappropriate, and what alternative interventions can be used to strengthen the livelihoods of the poor.

Microfinance Donor Projects: Twelve Questions About Sound Practice

This Donor Brief highlights twelve questions and answers that will help donors introduce sound practice into their microfinance projects and increase their chances of success.

In-Country Donor Coordination

The continuing popularity of microfinance in the donor community has resulted in numbers of agencies in every developing country and transition economy seeking to support the development of the microfinance sector.