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Greenfield MFIs in Sub-Saharan Africa

This Forum explores the contribution of greenfield MFIs to access to finance in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).The greenfield model has come a long way in a short time in SSA from seven greenfield MFIs in 2006 to 31 by 2012.

Managing Failing Deposit-Taking Institutions

To address the situation of failing deposit-taking MFIs, supervisory authorities have relied on temporary government administration (TGA), one of several supervisory tools.

The Power of Social Networks to Drive Mobile Money Adoption

The rate of mobile money (MM) adoption among poor people remains low. However, the mechanisms driving adoption are similar to those of other segments. This analysis revealed that social networks and social interactions influence mobile money uptake.

Financial Inclusion - Linkages to Stability, Integrity and Protection

This report introduces and develops the concept that a proportionate approach to any financial inclusion measure (and specifically to its regulatory and supervisory design and implementation) should seek to optimize the I-SIP linkages.

The Jipange KuSave Experiment in Kenya

This Brief highlights the experience of Jipange KuSave, the mobile version of P9 designed to work over the M-PESA system.

Microfinance Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa

This Brief looks at public and private foreign investment in SSA microfinance retailers, and the challenges that limit investment.

CGAP G2P Research Project: South Africa Report

This report covers the South Africa study in which interviews were conducted and information gathered from three government agencies, two banks, and 10 focus groups of clients.

CGAP-MIX 2010 Sub-Saharan Africa Microfinance Analysis and Benchmarking Report

This report analyzes the state of microfinance in 2009 throughout Sub-Saharan Africa.