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Managing Failing Deposit-Taking Institutions

To address the situation of failing deposit-taking MFIs, supervisory authorities have relied on temporary government administration (TGA), one of several supervisory tools.

Making Recourse Work for Base-of-the-Pyramid Financial Consumers

This Focus Note explores innovative ways for policy makers and providers to raise awareness and improve accessibility of recourse mechanisms, tailor recourse to suit new products and delivery channels, and proactively use recourse data to address systematic problems in BoP markets.

Implementing Consumer Protection

This Guide highlights key areas of opportunity for bank supervisors to improve consumer protection.

Regulatory Options to Curb Debt Stress

This Focus Note argues that it is preferable to implement appropriate monitoring mechanisms and regulatory interventions at an early stage in credit market development, to detect potential debt stress and prevent reckless lending practices, thereby avoiding risks to financial markets, consumers, and the regulator’s credibility.

Financial Inclusion - Linkages to Stability, Integrity and Protection

This report introduces and develops the concept that a proportionate approach to any financial inclusion measure (and specifically to its regulatory and supervisory design and implementation) should seek to optimize the I-SIP linkages.

A Guide to Regulation and Supervision of Microfinance

This Guide updates CGAP’s 2003 Guiding Principles on Regulation and Supervision of Microfinance. The revisions reflect continuing developments in the global state of financial access for poor and low-income customers.

Can Digital Footprints Lead to Greater Financial Inclusion?

This Brief highlights some early experience on the potential of digital footprints from mobile phone use.

Microfinance Banana Skins 2012

The latest Microfinance Banana Skins ranks the risk perceptions of practitioners and observers of the microfinance sector. Responses this year focused on microfinance institutions' ability to adapt and manage a sound business in such a fast-growing environment.

Financial Inclusion and Stability: What Does Research Show?

This Brief explores the research to date on financial inclusion and stability.

Voting the Double Bottom Line

This Focus Note addresses the challenges faced by socially oriented equity investors who take formal roles in the governance of microfinance service providers and funds.