Working Paper

Over three-quarters of the population in Tanzania are involved in the agriculture sector. Yet despite their active financial and agricultural lives, smallholders in Tanzania have few tools to manage their irregular and volatile household cash flows.
Working Paper

Over three-quarters of the population in Uganda are involved in the agriculture sector. Yet despite their active financial and agricultural lives, smallholders in Uganda have few tools to manage their irregular and volatile household cash flows.

CGAP's Smallholder Diaries explores the financial lives of farming families in Mozambique, Tanzania and Pakistan.

This paper uses research and interviews with customers to understand the value they derive from PAYGo solar, why they decided to purchase it, how they were able to afford and pay for it, and whether they considered the product a “good deal” in the end.

Insights into how poor people use M-PESA, its impact on their lives, and some unexpected consequences.