Working Paper

This update of CGAP's 2008 "Notes on Regulation of Branchless Banking in the Philippines" incorporates research conducted by CGAP in January 2010.
Working Paper

This paper draws from research conducted in Brazil, Colombia, Kenya, Mexico, Pakistan, Peru, the Philippines, Tanzania, and Uganda to look at how providers identify, classify, and manage risks related to the use of agents and how supervisors assess providers.
Working Paper

The paper reviews how USAID, through two programs and in partnership with a series of market actors, helped change the microfinance market dynamics in the Philippines—from a specialized activity with limited outreach and highly dependent on subsidized credit, to a more inclusive and robust market-driven segment of the financial sector.
Technical Guide

This Technical Guide is designed to enable policy makers with jurisdiction over market conduct issues, consumer protection organizations, and development agencies to conduct mystery shopping exercises.
Working Paper

This Working Paper addresses qualitative research on how microentrepreneurs approach, decide, and act on key business and financial management issues.
Working Paper

This report provides a synthesis of learning from this research. Separate reports for each country provide more detailed description and analysis in India, Cote d’Ivoire, and the Philippines.
Working Paper

The objective of this qualitative research is to understand customers’ views and perceptions on customer empowerment in the Phillipines.