farmer selling produce at a street market Unsplash photo by Alex Hudson

Cash-In / Cash-Out for Rural Agent Networks

This page showcases content that CGAP has produced, often in collaboration with partners, about what we know around making agent networks work at the last mile.

Key publications

How should funders approach CICO?

Key blog posts

The variety of posts cover innovative approaches that providers are taking to improve the viability of their agent networks at the last mile, highlights from specific countries, and key partnerships. To view all blog posts CGAP has produced around distribution, view here.


Extensive and inclusive cash-in/cash-out (CICO) agent networks are key to ensuring DFS access in rural areas. Regulators play an essential role here by enabling DFS providers to innovate agent network models that are sustainable in rural areas.

The rise of DFS has sparked debate on cash's future in developing economies. But, despite increasing adoption of DFS, cash prevails in most global economies, emphasizing agent networks' crucial role as enablers rather than disruptors.

Bancolombia is a great example of a provider that's been successful in developing rural agent business models at scale, therefore playing a critical role in furthering financial inclusion. Here, we look at the factors that explain their success.

Côte d'Ivoire's mobile money market is an excellent opportunity to reflect on whether market disruptions contribute to financial inclusion, given a recent revamp of mobile money business models in the country.

In India's Bihar state, women Bank Sakhi agents help enable financial inclusion for rural, vulnerable, and hard-to-reach customers, more so than the traditional agents - but various gender norms constrain how they operate. We discuss solutions.

Based on pilots in five countries (Colombia, Cote d’Ivoire, India, Indonesia, Morocco and Pakistan), we share early insights on how funders can engage with stakeholders in Cash-in Cash-out (CICO) rural agent networks to kickstart innovation. 

Agent networks serve an important role in delivering digital financial services in rural areas, and they present an opportunity for funders to achieve development goals.

Building out rural agent networks isn’t just about harnessing digital innovations. Global experience shows that it’s also about the public and private sectors working together.

A recent CGAP publication identifies six principles for viable agent networks in rural areas. In this post, we look at how where Indonesia stands against these principles.

Getting cash into and out of the digital system remains one of the main barriers to financial inclusion in emerging markets — even in markets where digital financial services are on the rise.

E-commerce doesn't come up very often in conversations about agent networks for digital financial services - but it should.

Agent regulations often treat agents like extensions of bank branches. But the reality is that many agents conduct a far more limited range of financial activities and should be regulated differently.


Review materials from past webinars, including videos.


CGAP and its partners conducted deep dive studies in five leading financial markets and presented findings from Kenya, Colombia, India, Indonesia and China.

How can digital financial services providers build viable cash-in/cash-out agent networks in rural areas? Remote areas pose special challenges for providers, as low population densities often mean low transaction volumes and weak incentives for businesses to serve as agents. As described in a new CGAP publication, “Agent Networks at the Last Mile" (2019), digital financial services providers are finding new ways to tackle this challenge around the world.


In this webinar, expert panelists discussed key findings from CGAP’s research on rural agent networks, with a focus on emerging lessons for policy makers and regulators.

Collaborator highlight


MSC Consulting The Agent Network Accelerator (ANA) program identifies the factors responsible for the success or failure of specific agent networks, based on agent data from across 14 countries. For more information, see here.


BCG has launched a research initiative to fully understand the role of cash-in/ cash-out services in advancing financial inclusion. Based on assessments in 9 countries, the initiative clarifies the size of the CICO coverage gap, the economics of CICO networks and proposes possible interventions that could enable the establishment of new CICO networks. For more information, see here.