Anton Simanowitz

Anton Simanowitz is an independent consultant with more than 20 years of experience in financial inclusion. His work focuses on understanding and responding to customer needs to drive organizational effectiveness and outcomes for clients. As impact director for microfinance provider SEF in South African, Anton spearheaded efforts to improve products and services and operational systems. At social investor Oikocredit, Anton developed and led a capacity building and mentoring program for financial service providers focused on social performance that was implemented in 10 countries.

At a sector level, Anton was a lead actor in developing the Universal Standards for Social Performance Management, now widely adopted by financial service providers internationally. Anton’s recent consultancy work has included a focus on customer centricity, working with CGAP and the Social Performance Taskforce to better understand and support provider and market level actions to empower their customers and to respond to the COVID-19 crisis. Anton is author of "The Business of Doing Good."

By Anton Simanowitz


Haiti’s Graduation Pilot Final Evaluation,Promising Results

At the pilot stage, the program has demonstrated significant positive impact upon the lives of its members with 97% per cent of the 150 women that participated “graduating” out of the program.