Ariadne Plaitakis

Senior Financial Sector Specialist

Ariadne Plaitakis is a Senior Program Officer at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation with a focus on regulation. A former CGAP consultant, she is currently based in London with over 20 years of extensive on-hands experience in digital finance and payments regulation, open banking, financial inclusion, privacy/data protection, e-commerce, competition law, and consumer protection in the EU and emerging markets. Her most recent projects for CGAP examined open banking/PSD2, payment interoperability, and competition in digital financial services (DFS). Ariadne is a UK-qualified solicitor with an MA in Jurisprudence from the University of Oxford and a BSc in Foreign Service from Georgetown University, and is fluent in French, German and Greek.

In addition to the publication listed below, Ariadne is also the author of the following three CGAP Background Documents: Modularization of DFS and Competition Issues, Lessons Learned from the Interchange Fees Antitrust Investigations, and Digital Data and Competition Issues.

By Ariadne Plaitakis


Open Banking: 7 Ways Data-Sharing Can Advance Financial Inclusion

When banks and other financial institutions responsibly exchange customer data with other providers, the result is better products for low-income customers.

Digital Finance and the Future of Competition Policy

As tech giants disrupt financial services, they are giving urgency to questions around competition policy. Here are five questions that policy makers in developing countries should be asking about how to ensure fair play.

Fair Play: Ensuring Competition in Digital Financial Services

In addition to the behavior of market actors, regulation can have a substantial impact on the dynamics of competition in digital financial services markets. CGAP examines some regulatory levers that policy makers can deploy to promote more competition in emerging economies.