Blaine Stephens



Blaine Stephens is COO of the MIX. He is responsible for the MIX’s global operations, ensuring relevant coverage of the microfinance market, managing MIX’s team of microfinance analysts, publishing and training widely on MFI performance and leading MIX’s efforts to standardize microfinance reporting. He brings training experience from the United Nations’s UNCDF Microfinance unit and retail microfinance experience from Al Amana, Morocco’s leading microfinance provider.
Blaine holds a B.A. in International Relations from Claremont McKenna College and a Masters of International Affairs from Columbia University, School of International and Public Affairs.

By Blaine Stephens


Lessons from the MIX in Tracking Islamic Microfinance Development

Consistently tracking and analyzing the performance of Islamic microfinance providers will be key to improving their services and, in turn, broadening their outreach.

Back To The Future Of Performance Reporting On Financial Services

There are at least four lessons that branchless banking stakeholders can take from the MFI experience when it comes to reporting standards.