Bobbi Gray

Bobbi Gray designs and implements studies that measure the efficacy of Freedom from Hunger’s programs. Her recent research focuses on health, financial services for youth, food security, and resilience. She also facilitates the Health and Market Development (HAMED) working group at SEEP.

By Bobbi Gray


User-Centered Financial Services Build Household Resilience

"Resilience" refers to the ability to anticipate, respond to and recover from shocks. Freedom from Hunger used “resilience diaries” with 46 households in Burkina Faso to research whether financial services could play a greater role in building household resilience.

The Role of Financial Services in Building Household Resilience

This paper draws upon formative research, “resilience diaries,” qualitative follow-up, and economic games to illustrate how families anticipate and cope with shocks in Burkina Faso. Designing for these household behaviors and preferences could improve financial services offered for building resilience.

How Do You Know “Resilience” When You See It?

The findings presented in this working paper are based upon research conducted in Burkina Faso. They provide unique insights into the set of factors, if reinforced by financial institutions and development practitioners, that are likely to strengthen household resilience.

Designing Financial Services to Respond to Household Shocks

This case study from Burkina Faso highlights key findings from the CGAP resilience research that can help guide further thinking about how to best design financial products for anticipating and covering health shock expenses.

Building Resilient Households in Burkina Faso

Freedom from Hunger conducted a 7-month project using the diaries of rural households in Burkina Faso to gauge how formal, non-formal and informal financial products affect household resilience.