Chris Bold

Chris Bold is the Deputy Head of DFID Uganda and Head of the Growth and Economic Management Team. He is the Lead Adviser for the DFID funded Financial Sector Deepening Programme in Uganda. Prior to moving to Uganda, Chris has worked in Afghanistan and Sierra Leone and spent two years working with at CGAP on Digital Financial Services and the use of technology to bring down the cost of delivering financial services to poor customers. He supported CGAP projects in Kenya, Pakistan and Haiti.

By Chris Bold


Mobile Banking for Those with No Mobile

Safaricom’s M-Pesa is now so well known in the mobile banking world that it has come to be accepted by some as a blueprint for mobile financial services. The service relies on the phone in the hands of the customer (now more than 12 million) to perform transactions and the phone in the hands of the agent (all 20,000 of them) to credit and debit accounts.

Pakistan Floods —Branchless Banking Responds

CGAP’s partner in Pakistan, Tameer Microfinance Bank, and their parent company, Telenor Pakistan, have made it possible for people in Pakistan who may not have internet access to make donations to relief organizations using their EasyPaisa mobile banking platform and have removed the usual transfer fees.