Chrissy Martin Meier

Chrissy Martin Meier has 10 years of experience in inclusive digital financial services. Now working as a consultant, she is leading the design and development of RELAY, a new fintech data solution from MIX, as well as supporting G2Px, an initiative of the World Bank and the Gates Foundation that aims to maximize the long-term benefits of cash transfers. She has worked with CGAP on several issues including the financial inclusion of forcibly displaced persons, collaborative customer due diligence, and last-mile agent networks. Ms. Martin Meier has specific experience integrating digital solutions into agriculture, humanitarian response, and resilience programs. She started her career launching the first mobile money product in Haiti with the mobile network operator Digicel. Since, She has served as the customer experience manager at the social enterprise Zoona and as senior digital finance specialist with USAID’s Digital Development team.

By Chrissy Martin Meier


The Biometric Balancing Act in Digital Finance

Biometric technologies are facilitating the rise of collaborative customer due diligence. It is crucial to understand all aspects of biometric solutions – security, cost, convenience, inclusiveness and accuracy – and how prioritizing one may come with trade-offs to others.

Can Third-Party Providers Lead to New Business Models?

Until recently, Zoona, formerly known as Mobile Transactions could have been considered the best kept secret in Africa. Operating in Zambia on a shoe-string budget, they have been developing their own unique business model for electronic financial services slowly and with little media attention. Now, as of February 2012, this small company has secured investments from three big investors, Omidyar Network, ACCION Frontier Investments, and Sarona Asset Management. All three are banking on the fact that Zoona’s experience and innovative approach to serving a range of consumers situates them to fill crucial gaps in the mobile money transactions and payments market in Africa.

Cash Transfers and Mobile Money: Making it Work

There are many reasons to be excited about mobile phones as a way to distribute cash transfers, such as government payments or NGO cash-for-work programs.