Deena Burjorjee

Deena Burjorjee has over 20 years of experience working on access to finance issues, with a focus on women’s financial inclusion, responsible finance, and market systems facilitation. Ms. Burjorjee is a Middle East and North Africa expert. She has worked in the region since 1997, where she has managed projects and advised governments and donor agencies on policy reform to promote inclusive financial sector development and facilitated national consultative processes in Egypt, Jordan, Yemen, Palestine, and Tunisia.

Ms. Burjorjee was co-facilitator of CGAP’s Women’s Financial Inclusion Community of Practice, where she led the Data and Measurement Working Group. She has authored numerous papers on access to finance topics related to gender, refugees, and market systems development, and she has produced technical guides to support the capacity development of member-based associations.

She has a Master’s of International Affairs from Columbia University. She has taught courses and workshops on microfinance at the university’s Graduate School for International and Public Affairs. She was a technical adviser and program manager at the United Nations Development Programme and the United Nations Capital Development Fund in 1997–2006.

By Deena Burjorjee


New Funder Guidelines: Market Systems Approach to Financial Inclusion

These guidelines are intended to provide guidance for funders promoting financial inclusion or pro-poor financial services markets as part of their development mandate. The target audience includes multilateral and bilateral donors, development finance institutions, and foundations.

The Impact of Microfinance

This Donor Brief looks at how donor funding for microfinance can be powerful as a complement to investment in other social services.