Ignacio Mas

Ignacio Mas is executive director at the Digital Frontier Institute. He is also senior fellow at the Fletcher School at Tufts University and the Saïd Business School at Oxford University.

By Ignacio Mas


The Role of Mobile Operators in Expanding Access to Finance

The fact that mobile phones can be used as transactional devices doesn’t necessarily mean that the mobile operator needs to “own” the financial services.

Efficiency Drivers of MFIs: The Role of Age

Institutional efficiency is generally measured by dividing operating expenses by the size of the loan portfolio.

Multi-Country Data Sources for Access to Finance

This paper reviews various data sources that have a bearing on microfinance, or access to finance more broadly, and discusses their relevance.

Realizing the Potential of Branchless Banking: Challenges Ahead

Being able to make payments conveniently and securely is an essential ingredient in modern life and commerce.

Rural Connectivity Options for Microfinance Institutions

This paper informs information technology managers at rural MFIs about technology options available to them, with a focus on access bearer technologies.