Ivo Jeník

Senior Financial Sector Specialist

Ivo Jeník currently leads CGAP’s work on regulatory architecture at the frontier, inclusive data ecosystems (open finance), and microfinance digitization. Previously he led work on regulatory innovation (crowdfunding, regulatory sandboxes), capacity building for policy makers (regulation and supervision of digital financial services) and emerging business models in banking across continents.

Ivo’s core expertise is in policy. Before joining CGAP, he worked in the Responsible Financial Access team at the World Bank, where he specialized in financial consumer protection and alternative dispute resolution. His professional experience spans across both the private and public sector, including serving as a compliance officer at an investment company and as Head of the Collective Investment Department at the Czech Financial Ombudsman.

Ivo has a Master’s degree in Law from Columbia Law School in New York and a Master’s degree in Law from Charles University in Prague.

By Ivo Jeník


These Digital Banks Help Fintechs to Offer Banking Services

By enabling virtually any type of business to offer banking services cheaply and in record time, “banking-as-a-service” providers can dramatically reduce the barriers to entry into banking and potentially deepen financial inclusion.

Digital Banks: How Can They Deepen Financial Inclusion?

This slide deck sheds light on the digitization of banking and analyzes the connection of three new business models to financial inclusion: fully digital retail banks, marketplace banks and banking-as-a-service.

Running a Sandbox May Cost Over $1M, Survey Shows

CGAP and the World Bank surveyed regulators across 30 countries to find out how and why they’re using regulatory sandboxes and what it takes to run one.

Do Regulatory Sandboxes Impact Financial Inclusion? A Look at the Data

CGAP estimates that less than 25 percent of sandbox-tested solutions address financial inclusion. Here's how to change this.

One Thing Regulators Should Do Before Launching a Sandbox

Financial regulators should consult with industry early and often if they are thinking about creating a regulatory sandbox.