Jacob Winiecki

Jacob Winiecki is currently a consultant for CGAP focusing on the energy component of Digital Finance Plus. Previously, he co-founded Simpa Networks, a start-up technology company sells high quality solar energy systems to underserved customers in emerging markets on a "Progressive Purchase" basis. 

By Jacob Winiecki


Access to Energy via Digital Finance: Models for Innovation

Globally, over 1.3 billion people lack access to electricity, and another 1 billion people have unreliable connections to national electricity grids. Startup energy enterprises are leveraging digital finance to deliver modern energy to the poor, sold on a pay-as-you-go basis.

Digital Finance: Catalyzing New Energy Business Models

Over 1.3 billion people worldwide live without access to electricity. Modern, small-scale solar solutions are now on the market, and digital finance is going a long way toward making these more affordable and accessible in poor communities.