Jayshree Venkatesan

Jayshree Venkatesan is director of responsible finance and consumer protection at the Center for Financial Inclusion. She has extensive global expertise in developing customer-centric practices for financial services providers. She has worked for more than a decade the private, nonprofit and academic sectors to expand financial services to low-income and underserved households. Previously, as a consultant for CGAP, she worked on developing customer outcomes frameworks for regulators and financial services providers.

Ms. Venkatesan is an independent director on the Board of Centrum Microcredit Private Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Centrum Group. She was the chief executive officer and founding member of IFMR Mezzanine Finance (now a part of Dvara Trust), where she was involved in structuring the first Indian mezzanine fund that invested in microfinance institutions.

Ms. Venkatesan holds a master's from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, a master’s in business administration from MDI, Gurgaon, and a bachelor’s in mathematics from Mumbai University. She is based in Scotland. She is fluent in Hindi, Tamil, and Kannada.

By Jayshree Venkatesan


India’s Latest Advances in Financial Inclusion: A Day in Royyuru

See how India’s Aadhaar-enabled payments system is making digital payments easy and convenient in the village of Royyuru.

5 Ways to Improve Customer Experience for the Poor

CGAP offers five insights on improving customer experience for the poor, in ways that are game-changing, yet profitable.

Fine Tuning Kaleido: A Key Step for Customer-Centricity

Janalakshmi Financial Services, Jana Foundation, CGAP and Innovation Labs partnered to develop a tool called Kaleido that provides the foundation for building a customer-centric organization. An initial survey of the tool offers several key findings.