Lauren Braniff

Lauren Braniff worked as a consultant with CGAP on the Digital Finance + Initiative. Previously, Lauren Braniff served as Managing Editor of the Microfinance Gateway from 2011-2014 where she led content strategy for the Gateway sites and created the forthcoming Gateway Academy, an online learning platform for financial inclusion professionals. Prior to joining the Gateway, she spent five years with CGAP’s Technology Program where she conducted research, led branchless banking projects, and managed the Information Systems Program. Prior to joining CGAP, Lauren held positions at a microfinance institution in Cambodia, as a microenterprise development consultant, and as a researcher for an education nonprofit.

Lauren holds a master’s degree in international development from SAIS at Johns Hopkins University and a bachelor’s degree in international political economy from the University of California, Berkeley.

By Lauren Braniff


Building a Digital Finance Ecosystem in Zimbabwe

Mobile operators are increasingly looking toward a next generation of financial and non-financial services that leverage mobile money. In Zimbabwe, Econet is diversifying its products while simultaneously driving mobile money usage in other sectors, including energy, education, agriculture, and health.

Unlocking Access to Critical Services Through Digital Payments

New solutions are emerging that use digital finance to provide essential services for people in places where the traditional models have failed them.

Information Systems Technical Guide

The Guide is organized based on a four-step process aimed at procuring a new technology solution: project preparation, needs analysis, selection, and implementation. At the beginning of each section, a figure indicates which tool(s) accompany that section, the activities the institution should undertake, and the key considerations.

CGAP Software Listings Now on MIX Market

CGAP and the Microfinance Information Exchange (MIX) recently collaborated to migrate CGAP’s Software Listings to the MIX Market. Hosting this information alongside the wealth of other information already on the MIX will provide a more dynamic view of the microfinance landscape, all on a single platform.

Virtual Conference Recap

CGAP and Grameen Foundation would like to thank you for participating in this week’s virtual conference. There have been a lot of valuable contributions and new ideas which I hope we’ll all continue to explore at our respective organizations. While the official conference period has ended, comments will remain open and we invite you to continue sharing your thoughts on these topics.