Mark Boyd

Mark Boyd is a writer and API industry analyst, who contributes regularly to a number of key industry journals. He has chaired several API conferences and published a number of ebooks on the API lifecycle, best practices for API adoption, and API uptake in industry verticals. As founder of the API-focused startup, Platformable, he regularly conducts industry research, supports API providers to grow into platform businesses, and manages data-driven projects that draw on open data and proprietary sources. With a public health and urban planning background, Mark is especially interested in how APIs can help local governments transform into a city-as-a-platform model and how to leverage APIs to reduce unequal access to the resources needed for healthy living and community participation.

By Mark Boyd


4 Keys to a Successful Developer Portal for Digital Finance APIs

Here are some practical tips on how digital financial services providers can build a first-rate developer portal for their APIs.

API Pricing for Digital Financial Service Providers: Getting Started

Learn how to devise an API pricing strategy that balances your need to achieve a return on investment with the needs of third parties who are trying to grow their own businesses by leveraging your APIs.

What APIs Are Digital Financial Services Providers Opening?

What types of APIs are digital financial service providers opening in developing countries? CGAP has been keeping track and spotting trends.

Open APIs in Digital Finance: How to Start Engaging Developers

To entice third-party app developers to innovate with APIs, digital financial services providers should start thinking of developers as customers and provide the right kinds of resources.

From Integrations to Innovation: Implementing an Evolving API Strategy

Get started with your open API strategy by following the tips in this 4-page guide, including five actions every digital financial services provider should take early in its API journey.