Mayada El-Zoghbi

Mayada El-Zoghbi is the managing director of the Center for Financial Inclusion at Accion. Until September 2019, Ms. El-Zoghbi was a senior financial sector specialist and led CGAP’s strategy, research and development unit. Her work focused on leading CGAP’s research on women’s financial inclusion, financial services in crisis environments and other emerging topics.

Before joining CGAP, she founded and managed a development consulting firm working with funding agencies such as the IFC and USAID. She led numerous technical assistance, evaluation, and research assignments and also served as a research director for a USAID knowledge management initiative on microfinance and conflict, where she authored numerous papers and facilitated many industry learning events. She holds a master’s degree in international affairs from SIPA at Columbia University and a bachelor's degree in business from the University of Minnesota. She is bilingual in Arabic and English.

By Mayada El-Zoghbi


Apexes: An Important Source of Local Funding

Apexes are an important source of local funding for microfinance—and even more so since the global financial crisis.

Creating Pathways for the Poorest

This Brief discusses early lessons from the implementation of the graduation model.

Improving Effectiveness from Within: SmartAid for Microfinance Index

The SmartAid for Microfinance Index is an innovative tool that measures one part of the effectiveness equation: funders’ internal management systems.