Michelle Kaffenberger

Michelle Kaffenberger is a senior research adviser consulting for the World Bank and CGAP. She has designed, led, and advised on dozens of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods empirical research studies on financial inclusion, social protection systems, and education. In addition, she is a research fellow with the RISE Programme at Oxford University, where she analyzes education systems, learning outcomes, and the impact of learning on health, women’s empowerment, and financial inclusion outcomes. Ms. Kaffenberger has served as research adviser and consultant to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the United Nations, the Asian Development Bank, and a variety of private sector and nonprofit organizations. Previously she was research manager and lead analyst at InterMedia, an international development research organization. She began her career establishing a new base of operations for an international nonprofit in Darjeeling, India.

By Michelle Kaffenberger


Responsible Digital Credit for Merchants: Insights from Kenya

As digital credit expands rapidly in East Africa and elsewhere, offering credit responsibly is becoming increasingly important. These insights from Kenyan merchants who use Kopo Kopo’s Grow cash advance product point toward some best practices for digital merchant credit.

Paying for School: 6 Insights for Better Financial Services

The inability to pay fees and other education expenses keeps many children out of school. What is the extent of these challenges, who is affected and what kinds of financial services could help?

Digital Credit in Kenya: Time for Celebration or Concern?

There are now more than 20 digital credit offerings in Kenya, with new services launching continually. Hype is building around the potential opportunities these products could bring, but their rapid proliferation is also raising questions about risks.

Mobile Money in Bangladesh Plateaus after Fast Start

Mobile money in Bangladesh had a fast start. However, recent data show that while use is still increasing, the rate of growth in transaction value and volume is tapering off. Researchers analyzed a number of possible explanations for this trend.

Seven Customer Risks that Need Attention Now

CGAP’s latest Focus Note identifies seven key risk areas for customers of digital financial services.