Mike McCaffrey

Mike is a Principal Consultant - Strategic Operations for Digital Finance where he leads MicroSave’s digital financial inclusion work in Africa. He has 9 years’ experience working with central banks, bilateral and multi-lateral agencies, government ministries and financial service providers. He has worked in over 15 countries across the developing world and is currently focused on determining how digital financial services can be better designed and more easily scaled to national levels. This includes managing the Agent Network Accelerator (ANA) project, and The Helix Institute of Digital Finance. Mike attended the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University, receiving a master's degree in Development Economics & a graduate certificate in Science, Technology & Environmental Policy. He also holds B.A. degrees in Economics & Psychology from the University of California.

By Mike McCaffrey


Digital Finance and Illiteracy: Four Critical Risks

Illiteracy is still a global problem, and most financial services are not designed for illiterate customers. The Helix Institute is working with financial service providers to help develop products and services that can work better for those who cannot read.

Building Big Backbones for Innovation

Building a network of agents across a broad geography has proved to be a huge barrier to entering the digital finance space for small or medium-sized companies. In Bangaldesh and Nigeria, industry giants are building the channels necessary to allow smaller players to get in the game.