Mohammed Khaled

By Mohammed Khaled


Microfinance Regulation in Post Revolution Tunisia

The need for a new microfinance law came up at a recent conference in Tunisia.

Developments in the Arab World

Although it could be too early to analyze the impact of recent events in the Arab world on microfinance, one can conclude some general and common lessons despite differences among countries.

Why Has Islamic Microfinance Not Reached Scale Yet?

How come in a country like Bangladesh, the largest MFI or bank providing products complying with Sharia reach only 100,000 active borrowers compared to the 22 million active borrowers reached by Grameen Bank, BRAC, and ASA, all of which are providing conventional products?

Taking Islamic Microfinance to Scale

Today, microfinance and Islamic finance are professionalized industries with diverse products, growing client bases, and widening geographical coverage. Both have developed innovative solutions to cater to populations that are outside the fold of conventional financial access.