Rashmi Pillai

Senior Financial Sector Specialist

Rashmi Pillai contributes to CGAP’s work on resilient rural women at the intersection of agriculture and climate change. 

Rashmi is a global executive with 19+ years of experience in impact investing, digital financial services, inclusive and competitive financial markets development, and financial markets policy and regulation across Africa and South Asia. Previously, she was the Anglophone Head of Public Policy for Wave Mobile Money and contributed to Wave’s operations in its six African markets. Prior to that, she was the CEO at Financial Sector Deepening Uganda (FSDU). Before FSDU, she served as a digital financial services technical expert to two organizations – CGAP, at the World Bank and the Better Than Cash Alliance at the UNCDF across multiple African countries. Rashmi is also the founder of the "Sankalp Forum" – the first major impact investment deal flow platform in India for for-profit social enterprises and took it to scale. The forum has now expanded across Southeast Asia and East Africa. 

Rashmi has a master’s in public policy from Harvard Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University on a Fulbright Scholarship. She also holds another Masters in Spectroscopic Physics from M.S. University Baroda, India.

By Rashmi Pillai


4 Next-Gen Fintech Models Bridging the Small Business Credit Gap

There is a staggering $4.9 trillion financing gap for micro and small businesses in emerging markets. These fintech models stand out for their ability to solve small businesses' credit needs at scale.

$4.9 Trillion Small Business Credit Gap: Digital Models to the Rescue

CGAP estimates that there is a $4.9 trillion credit gap for micro and small businesses in emerging markets.

The Case for Off-Grid Solar Companies as Mobile Money Agents

Off-grid solar companies could boost revenue and reach more low-income customers by becoming master mobile money agents in remote areas.

Building Payment Rails in Frontier Areas Through Off-Grid Solar

Many off-grid solar companies are familiarizing customers with digital payments and helping them find mobile money agents. Should they go a step further and start managing agent networks?

Digitizing Agricultural Payments: Uganda's Coffee Value Chain

This is the story of how the United Nations Mobile Money for the Poor in Uganda worked with a coffee exporter to digitize one of the country’s most important cash crops. Learn about the dynamics of digitizing agricultural value chains and how organizations from different sectors worked to digitize Uganda’s coffee value chain.