Sarah Rotman Parker

Sarah Parker is a Director, working on the Center for Financial Services Innovation’s (CFSI’s) public thought-leadership. She manages CFSI’s work on financial health, making this more tangible and actionable for providers in how they serve financial consumers. Having come to CFSI from working on financial inclusion internationally, Sarah is motivated to improve the overall financial health of American consumers. Prior to joining CFSI, Sarah worked at CGAP, managing their mobile banking agenda in francophone West Africa and leading global research on electronic government payments.

By Sarah Rotman Parker


Count Them…4 Mobile Money Services Now Live in Tanzania

TigoPesa, created by Tanzania’s fastest-growing mobile network operator, Tigo, is the fourth mobile money service offered in Tanzania. Vodacom Tanzania, a subsidiary of the Vodafone Group, is the leading mobile network operator with a 37% market share.

Highlights from the CGAP Technology Blog – September 2010

We started out September with a virtual conference on the topic of a new CGAP Focus Note Microfinance & Mobile Banking: The Story So Far. We invited guest bloggers from the MFIs featured in the paper to share their learnings from implementing mobile banking in their daily operations. Here SMEP consultant George Kinyanjui explains how group dynamics have changed with the use of M-PESA.

Microfinance & M-banking Virtual Conference Recap

Thank you to everyone who participated in CGAP’s virtual conference over the past two days on the topic of microfinance and mobile banking, coinciding with the release of our latest Focus Note Microfinance and Mobile Banking: The Story So Far.

Are Banks the Bad Guys in the Mobile Money Innovation Debate?

Maybe the next wave of innovation will still be related to the channel, but just a different channel. Is the hype around mobile technology really panning out?

Microfinance and Mobile Banking: The Story So Far

This Focus Note aims to do two things: (i) explore the various roles that MFIs can play in m-banking and (ii) explore the potential benefits MFIs and their customers expect to gain from pursuing m-banking.