Sophie Sirtaine

Chief Executive Officer

Sophie is the CEO of CGAP, an international partnership housed in the World Bank Group, dedicated to promoting inclusive financial ecosystems that enable a green, resilient, and equitable world for all.  

Sophie has dedicated her professional career to the development of inclusive and sustainable financial ecosystems around the world, with more than twenty years of experience at the World Bank, where she has held different positions, including Director of Strategy and Operations at the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) and Director for the Caribbean region. Previously, Sophie worked as an expert in financial sector development and stability in Europe, Latin America, and Asia. Among others, she led various Financial Sector Assessment Programs (FSAPs) in various countries in Europe, Central Asia, and Latin America, and she was the Manager who led the World Bank's response to banking crises in various countries of the European Union during the global financial crisis of 2008-2011.

Prior to joining the World Bank, Sophie worked in JP Morgan's Financial Institutions (FIG) team on Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) in Europe, and for Halcrow Fox and Associates' Infrastructure team. Sophie holds a Masters in Economics from the London School of Economics (LSE).

By Sophie Sirtaine


Opinion: The Underexploited Potential of the ESG Framework

Originally published by DevEx, CGAP CEO Sophie Sirtaine highlights the need to explore an integrated approach to ESG that incorporates ambitious yet feasible standards to drive positive social impacts while achieving economic and climate objectives.

Global Findex: Digitalization in COVID-19 Boosted Financial Inclusion

The new edition of the Global Findex contains a deep array of insights on global account ownership, usage, and financial resilience. Here, we explore two trends particularly worth exploring.

In an Era of Urgent Climate Risk, Does Financial Inclusion Matter?

This year’s World Environment Day theme “Only One Earth” reminds us that this planet is humanity’s only home, with finite resources that we must safeguard. Here, we look not only at who pollutes, but who suffers the impact of climate change most.

How Can We Build on COVID-19 Progress in Women’s Financial Inclusion

COVID-19 has led millions of women to open accounts, spurred investments in digital infrastructure, and built momentum around women’s financial inclusion. By taking the right steps, we can push women’s financial inclusion further than ever before.

Financial Inclusion for an Inclusive, Greener, More Resilient World

In her first blog post as CGAP CEO, Sophie Sirtaine proposes a global agenda for financial inclusion that leads to an inclusive, greener and more resilient world.