Xavier Reille

By Xavier Reille


Microfinance Foreign Exchange Facilities: Performance and Prospects

Foreign capital investment in microfinance has been booming over the past four years. It can bring important benefits to MFIs, but it also comes with foreign exchange risk.

Are MFIs in India Overvalued?

Opportunities for reasonably-valued equity investments still remain, but the majority of recent transactions by foreign-owned funds suggest that finding such opportunities is not necessarily an easy task.

All Eyes on Asset Quality: Microfinance Global Valuation Survey 2010

The upheaval that hit mainstream financial markets and the reverberations that continue to be felt across the globe from the resulting economic crisis impacted MFIs and their clients.

Growth and Vulnerabilities in Microfinance

This Focus Note distills lessons from four microfinance markets: Nicaragua, Morocco, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), and Pakistan. These countries have all experienced a microfinance repayment crisis after a period of high growth and are important microfinance markets in their respective regions.

The Perils of Uncontrolled Growth

The causes of the delinquency crisis are well known and can be summarized in two words: unsustainable growth.