Recent Blogs


Surveys Reveal a Path to Responsible Digital Finance in WAEMU

For the first time, there is comprehensive data on digital financial services users in the WAEMU region, and it highlights the need for more responsible digital finance ecosystems. Strengthening consumer protection is crucial.

Consumer & Data Protection: A New Approach to Intersecting Risks

Consumer and data protection risks have historically been treated as separate concerns. Instead, all authorities involved with consumer data protection should work together to regulate in a way that ensures the responsible use of consumer data.

Stakeholder Landscaping: A Tool for Improved Consumer Engagement

Mapping the stakeholder landscape can be a useful tool to assist market conduct authorities in designing various aspects of a consumer advisory panel, ensuring they make sound strategic decisions about whom to involve and how best to do so.

How do Industry Associations Promote Responsible Digital Finance?

CGAP undertook qualitative research on how industry associations can promote responsible digital finance. We identified 10 activities that support customer-centricity, capability, and collaboration – the building blocks of responsible digital financial services ecosystems.

Digital Credit in Côte d'Ivoire: A Double-Edged Service

Digital credit can provide opportunities for financial inclusion and improved resilience, but new survey data from Côte d'Ivoire shows the need for greater consumer protection.

Crypto Consumer Protection: Why ‘Wait and See’ Is No Longer an Option

What was once an edgy new market with promises of high returns is now better known for scandal and volatile losses. Better protections for crypto consumers are urgently needed, especially for those who are low-income and least able to weather losses.

To Reach its Inclusive Potential, Open Finance Needs Data Protection

Open finance gives consumers control over their personal financial data, leading to more suitable and better-targeted financial services. But this ability to move entire financial histories both empowers consumers and poses risks.

Reading Findex With A Consumer Protection Lens

This year, the Findex database provided new information on the quality of customers’ journeys in accessing and using financial services, including some of the risks consumers face, and the outcomes they experience - we break down the numbers.

Growth of Digital Finance in Côte d’Ivoire is Not Without Risks

While digital financial services are driving financial inclusion in Côte d’Ivoire, we are also seeing the emergence of significant consumer risks that will require concerted action from all stakeholders in the digital finance ecosystem to counteract.

Consumer Advisory Panels: a Tool to Bridge the Regulator-Consumer Gap

How can FCP authorities bridge the regulator-consumer gap and ensure the financial marketplace is fair and balanced for all consumers? One promising solution is consumer advisory panels, which elevate the collective consumer voice.

Mitigating DFS Consumer Risks: Insights from Sub-Saharan Africa

Emerging evidence shows digital finance consumer risks are increasing and, if not mitigated, could undermine users’ trust. We highlight risks that affect digital financial services users in Sub-Saharan Africa and measures to mitigate them.

Consumer Protection: Top Policy Priority for Funders. What Lies Ahead?

Financial inclusion funders have been elevating financial consumer protection as a priority. Our latest blog discusses how funders can turn that interest into action.

Platform-Based Finance: How Can Regulators Preserve Competition?

As big tech platforms enter the financial services space, they could potentially undermine competition in ways that set back financial inclusion. How can regulators preserve healthy competition and harness the potential of platform-based finance?

Consumer Associations: A Major Player in Responsible Digital Finance

In this World Consumer Rights Day blog, we discuss the ways consumer associations can make digital financial services more responsible, especially for women and vulnerable customers.

Platform-Based Finance: Are Regulators Up to the Data Protection Task?

As big techs and other platforms ramp up their financial service offerings in emerging markets, regulators can look at developments in advanced economies to get a glimpse into the data protection issues they will need to consider.

3 Regulatory Challenges Posed by Platform-Based Finance

Between the global big techs and the local unicorns, platforms will soon be a major force in financial services if they are not already. Here are the three main sets of challenges they pose for regulators.

Financial Inclusion for an Inclusive, Greener, More Resilient World

In her first blog post as CGAP CEO, Sophie Sirtaine proposes a global agenda for financial inclusion that leads to an inclusive, greener and more resilient world.

Is It Possible to Estimate Financial Stress Before It Harms Borrowers?

A tool piloted by CGAP and 4G Capital reliably measures changes in borrower behavior to detect financial stress. If stress indicators are found to predict future repayment, the tool could also serve as an early warning system for issues like default.

Analyzing Social Media to Spot Digital Consumer Credit Risks in India

Last year, news reports emerged of aggressive debt collection amid India's digital credit boom. New research shows that early warning signs on social media preceded the reports, highlighting the value of social media for consumer protection.

Digital Consumer Credit in India – Time to Take a Closer Look

As media reports of abusive lending practices emerge amid India’s digital consumer credit boom, the country can steer digital credit in a more promising direction by ramping up its efforts to listen to consumers and taking the necessary actions.