Recent Blogs


Transforming Côte d'Ivoire's Cashew Sector with Phygital Empowerment

In Côte d’Ivoire, Wi-Agri empowers women farmers with digital tools and on-the-ground support. By understanding the challenges rural Ivorian women face, Wi-Agri is able to design for them rather than around them.

Seven Insights From Samunnati on Income Diversification

In collaboration with CGAP and IDH under ABERA, Samunnati drives business innovation and gender and climate goals. Together, they've identified seven insights on income diversification for women in India, detailed in this blog.

Driving Change: Hello Tractor and ABERA

CGAP, IDH, FSD Network & FSD Kenya are working with Hello Tractor as part of ABERA, which empowers rural women in agriculture. We aim to address gender and climate challenges while strengthening Hello Tractor's business and financial service links.

Adapting to or Just Muddling Through Climate Change?

The second blog in our series with Decodis and MSC explores our research finding that many poor households are just muddling through climate events rather than strategically adapting to long-term climate change in ways that enhance their resilience.