a group of women in pakistani clothes sitting on the floor making pickled herbs and spices Photo by C4D 2021

Past Events


New Satellite Applications in Agricultural Insurance

In this webinar, presenters discussed the early performance of a new algorithm that uses satellite imagery and farm-level yield data to drastically reduce the amount of crop sampling required to offer area yield index insurance products.

Escaping Darkness: Consumer Value in PAYGo

In this webinar, CGAP and FIBR presented the results of our research in Kenya, Tanzania, Cote d'Ivoire and Ghana.

Financial Solutions for Smallholders in Nigeria

CGAP presented findings from our nationwide survey of smallholder households in Nigeria - the first survey of its kind in the country. The presentation highlighted challenges and opportunities for delivering better smallholder financial solutions grounded on new evidence.
Washington, DC

Improving How Customers Understand Financial Products

Xavier Giné, lead economist at the World Bank Group, presented findings from a recent study co-authored with Cristina Martínez Cuellar and Rafe Mazer of 1,700 consumers in Mexico and Peru on the effectiveness of behavioral-based financial disclosure formats.

Digitizing Bulk Payments in Agriculture

In this webinar, panelists shared the results of a reserach project on the value proposition of digital bulk payment in Uganda.

Regulatory Sandboxes: Harnessing Innovation for Financial Inclusion

In this webinar, panelists discussed the regulatory sandbox concept as it relates to financial innovation and FinTech in the context of financial inclusion.

Financial Solutions for Smallholders in Bangladesh

In a webinar on May 31, CGAP and partner InterMedia presented the findings from a nationwide survey of smallholder households in Bangladesh — the first survey of its kind in the country — highlighting the challenges and opportunities for delivering better financial solutions grounded in evidence.

Economic Prospects for Global Youth

Dorothy Stuehmke, Senior Program Officer for International Programs at Citi Foundation, joined CGAP for a discussion of these efforts and the findings from the Global Youth Survey 2017: Economic Prospects & Expectations, which examines what young people in 32 countries say they need to succeed.

Digital Finance in China

On April 14, 2017, CGAP hosted a conversation with leaders from the Chinese Academy of Financial Inclusion (CAFI), Renmin University, Beijing, to discuss the rapid growth of digital finance in China and its impact on reducing poverty.
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

2017 CGAP Partner Event

The 2017 CGAP Partner Event gathered partner organizations to share leading edge thinking on customer-centric solutions that effectively serve low income customers, creating value for both customers and firms. Participating partners included banks...


Lamis Daoud
External Affairs Officer
1818 H Street NW
Washington, DC 20006 
Office: +1.202.848.6103 
