Eric Duflos

Senior Financial Sector Specialist

Eric Duflos leads CGAP’s work on consumer protection and responsible finance, from policy, industry and customer perspectives, ensuring that financial services have positive outcomes for customers. He also coordinates CGAP’s work with global Standard Setting Bodies.

Eric has 28 years of experience in advancing financial inclusion and economic development, with a strong focus on policy and regulatory issues. His most recent position was director of the office of the UNSGSA, H.M. Queen Máxima of the Netherlands where he supported her policy advocacy work. He also helped the UNSGSA design and launch the CEO Partnership for Economic Inclusion. Prior to this, Eric has held several positions within CGAP, including regional representative for East Asia and the Pacific based in Singapore. Eric’s research and advice have focused on client-centered policy and regulatory issues, and digital finance. In his last essay, he proposes a new way to think about consumer protection with a “Responsible Digital Finance Ecosystem” approach. He has authored numerous articles and publications and taught policy and regulation issues at the Turin/Boulder course, Sciences-Po Paris, and universities in Singapore.

Before joining CGAP, Eric worked seven years in the Lao PDR to support the emergence of a financial inclusion policy framework with UNCDF, the Bank of Lao PDR, and the World Bank. He holds a master’s degree in management from EM Lyon, and a master’s in economics and international relations from SAIS, Johns Hopkins University.

By Eric Duflos


Reading Findex With A Consumer Protection Lens

This year, the Findex database provided new information on the quality of customers’ journeys in accessing and using financial services, including some of the risks consumers face, and the outcomes they experience - we break down the numbers.

Growth of Digital Finance in Côte d’Ivoire is Not Without Risks

While digital financial services are driving financial inclusion in Côte d’Ivoire, we are also seeing the emergence of significant consumer risks that will require concerted action from all stakeholders in the digital finance ecosystem to counteract.

Consumer Advisory Panels: a Tool to Bridge the Regulator-Consumer Gap

How can FCP authorities bridge the regulator-consumer gap and ensure the financial marketplace is fair and balanced for all consumers? One promising solution is consumer advisory panels, which elevate the collective consumer voice.

Rethinking Consumer Protection: A Responsible Digital Finance Ecosystem

With the rapidly changing digital finance market bringing new risks that can only be addressed through a new, holistic approach to consumer protection, this leadership essay argues that it is now time to build a “responsible digital finance ecosystem”.

Consumer Associations: A Major Player in Responsible Digital Finance

In this World Consumer Rights Day blog, we discuss the ways consumer associations can make digital financial services more responsible, especially for women and vulnerable customers.