Estelle Lahaye

Senior Financial Sector Specialist

Estelle Lahaye leads CGAP’s work to contribute to enhancing practices of impact investors with measuring and managing impact for inclusive finance. She has more than 15 years’ experience in development finance and financial inclusion having previously led CGAP’s work with donors and investors to co-create knowledge, provide guidance, and advocate for effective financial inclusion, and led CGAP’s experimentation and research activities on digital financial services in the West African Economic and Monetary Union.

Before joining CGAP, Estelle worked as a private banker in Luxembourg at Banco Itaú Europa, the international private banking division of Banco Itaú, Brazil.

Estelle has a Master’s degree in Business from San Francisco State University and an undergraduate degree in banking, finance, and insurance from the University of Nancy 2 in France. She is based in Paris and fluent in French and Portuguese.

By Estelle Lahaye


Responsible Finance: Putting Principles to Work

This paper defines what we mean by responsible finance, both as an end-state vision and in terms of a pragmatic focus on client protection and social performance management.

Rural Finance: Let’s Crack the Nut!

Rural areas, marked by dispersed populations and limited infrastructure, pose enormous challenges to financial service providers trying to reach different segments of the rural population, and it remains an underserved market.

Can Data and Transparency Strengthen Microfinance?

We have come to expect that consistent, reliable data strengthens microfinance performance and policy dialog.

Implementing the Client Protection Principles

This second edition reflects the developments in implementation and practices of the Client Protection Principles into investors’ policies and processes over the past year.