Corinne Riquet

Senior Financial Sector Specialist

Based in Côte d’Ivoire, Corinne Riquet has been working for CGAP since 2008. She works to deepen CGAP’s engagement in Francophone Africa, collaborating with regional partners on issues such as digital finance, regulation, capacity building, and funding for financial inclusion. She also supports CGAP’s team working in Sub-Saharan Africa on Connected Market solutions. In the past five years, she managed the implementation of CGAP’s activities that aimed to improve the digital finance ecosystem in WAEMU.

Since 2001, Corinne has worked as an independent consultant advising microfinance institutions and funders on organizational audit practices, business plan development, appraisals, designing financial service projects in rural areas, and evaluating and defining national microfinance strategies as well digital finance strategies. A French national, Corinne has lived in Côte d’Ivoire for over 25 years. She holds a master's degree in developmental economics from CERDI, University of Clermont Ferrand, France.

By Corinne Riquet


20 Years of Financial Inclusion Progress in WAEMU; More to Come!

Much has changed in the financial inclusion landscape of the WAEMU region over the last 20 years. Most importantly, it has shifted from primarily offering informal microfinance services to fully regulated and diversified financial institutions.

3 Insights on Customer Empowerment from Côte d’Ivoire

In Côte d’Ivoire, societal values and personal relationships have a high degree of influence over how people choose financial service providers.

Views on Customer Empowerment: Findings from Cote d’Ivoire

This study was conducted to identify and analyze the levels of empowerment among customers in Cote d'Ivoire of financial services and the obstacles to financial inclusion they may face.

When Digital Meets Traditional Banking: A New Concept in Senegal

With the launch of Manko in 2013, Société Générale de Banques au Sénégal (SGBS) is one of the few commercial banks that could potentially disrupt the market and redefine the role of banks in Senegal and WAEMU more broadly.

Savers Deserve More Attention and Protection

Access to finance in the West African Economic Monetary Union and Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa grew significantly from 2001 to 2011. However, more attention must be paid to savings and savers.