Alexia Latortue

Alexia is the Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Development & Debt, US Treasury. She was formerly Deputy CEO at CGAP.

By Alexia Latortue


Financial Access 2011: An Overview of the Supply-Side Data Landscape

Financial Access 2011 provides an overview of data sources and discusses select methodological supply-side data issues. It includes a discussion with leading experts on financial inclusion data.

A Country with a Last Name: Haiti Cherie

The financial hit of losing fixed assets like buildings and equipment and writing-off loans, the difficulty of keeping strong credit discipline with the influx of not-always-so-smart subsidies, the offer of higher salaries to staff by relief organizations and NGOs, and the short attention span of funders for long-term institution building are all real challenges.

The Next Decade of Microfinance

As we celebrate 15 years of CGAP, we are also reflecting upon where the industry has come, and where CGAP can be most useful in helping to advance financial access for the world’s poor.

Microfinance in 2010

2010 marks CGAP’s 15th anniversary, providing an opportunity to reflect on the state of microfinance today and CGAP’s role within it. Is microfinance a mature industry, or one still experiencing growing pains?

Improving Effectiveness from Within: SmartAid for Microfinance Index

The SmartAid for Microfinance Index is an innovative tool that measures one part of the effectiveness equation: funders’ internal management systems.