Denise Dias

Senior Financial Sector Specialist

Denise Dias works primarily for the Policy Pillar at CGAP. She's specialized in prudential and market conduct financial regulation and supervision with focus on digital finance and payments. She has collaborated with CGAP since 2007, both as a consultant and as a staff member, including as manager for Latin America and the Caribbean.

Denise has over 16 years of experience with policy, regulation and supervision, and has acted as a bank examiner in the Central Bank of Brazil (prudential and market conduct). Prior, she founded and managed an internet marketing business in Brazil, and audited government programs for the Brazilian Ministry of Finance. She also works with other organizations such as the World Bank, GIZ, and Bankable Frontier, and frequently acts as a Program Leader for the Toronto Centre.

Denise holds an MBA in international banking and finance, an MBA in financial sector economics, and a bachelor’s degree in business. She speaks Portuguese and Spanish.

By Denise Dias


Nonbank E-Money Issuers vs. Payments Banks: How Do They Compare?

A special licensing category for nonbank e-money issuers is considered a key regulatory enabler for inclusive digital financial services. This Technical Note compares the EMI license with the payments bank license that India, Mexico and Nigeria have created.

Deposit Insurance: The Last Line of Defense for E-Money?

Should deposit insurance cover e-money? The answer may not be the same for every country, but here are two lessons that apply across markets.

Deposit Insurance Treatment of E-Money: An Analysis of Policy Choices

The expansion of digital financial accounts among poor customers has raised the question of whether e-money should be covered by deposit insurance and if so, how. This Technical Note examines the options while arguing that deposit insurance should not be the first line of defense in many emerging markets.

Regulator’s Friend or Foe? Cloud Computing in Financial Inclusion

When regulated and supervised properly, cloud computing can be a boon to financial institutions trying to reach underserved customers. Here are some tips for regulators and supervisors in emerging markets.

A Guide to Supervising E-Money Issuers

This paper provides general guidance to supervisors in emerging markets and developing economies who are designing proportional approaches to EMI supervision, and serves as a reference for drafting or improving EMI supervision manuals in a few specific areas.