Dylan Lennox

Dylan Lennox is a digital financial services strategy and commercialization consultant who works with financial services organisations to create opportunity, equality and build a sustainable future for all.

After commercializing several high growth mobile and fixed telecoms services during his time as an innovation lead at Vodacom,  he was given the opportunity to lead the launch of M-Pesa in Tanzania in 2008 and then again in Mozambique in 2012, with both services achieving many millions of monthly active customers. As a Founding Partner at MFX, Mr. Lennox coaches and mentors client teams to launch their own digital financial services and advises digital and payments start-ups at the founder and board level.

At CGAP, Dylan works on payments systems, interoperability in digital financial services and connected market-level infrastructure to assist providers to serve financially excluded populations at scale. He is a member of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants, a Senior Associate of the Financial Services Institute of Australasia, and a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

By Dylan Lennox


Building Faster Better: A Guide to Inclusive Instant Payment Systems

Interoperability can make digital payments more convenient for customers and encourage competition in financial services. This technical guide is a practical resource for policy makers, providers, and others working toward interoperability in instant payments.

(Un)stacking Financial Market Infrastructure

Challenges around scaling effective financial infrastructures are not small, but when addressed effectively, a system can emerge that improves the value of financial services for poor people.