CGAP is an independent policy and research center dedicated to advancing financial access for the world's poor. It is supported by over 30 development agencies and private foundations who share a common mission to alleviate poverty. Housed at the World Bank, CGAP provides market intelligence, promotes standards, develops innovative solutions and offers advisory services to governments, financial service providers, donors, and investors.



Microfinance Banana Skins 2009

Microfinance Banana Skins 2009 describes the risks facing the microfinance industry as seen by an international sample of practitioners, investors, regulators and observers of the microfinance sector.

CGAP-MIX 2008 Eastern Europe and Central Asia Microfinance Analysis and Benchmarking Report

A central theme of the report is to address this variety in the levels of microfinance development and provide an overview of the key trends in the general level of development, policy environment, funding sources, external investments and the performance of microfinance institutions.

Accounting Principles for Microfinance Institutions

The Accounting course introduces MFI managers to the basics of accounting and how to create the most commonly used financial statements like the Balance Sheet, the Income Statement, and the Chart of Accounts.

Product Development for Microfinance

This four to six day course covers both the process of developing a new product (market definition, market research, product proto-type, costing and pricing, pilot testing, roll-out, marketing, lifecycle management, etc.) as well as the impact of introducing new products on the MFI (human resources, corporate culture, operations and systems, financial results, operating results, etc.).

CGAP Consumer Protection Policy Diagnostic Report: Cambodia

CGAP conducted a pilot policy diagnostic mission in Phnom Penh in February 2009 to assess the Cambodian consumer protection policy environment for low-income and/or inexperienced customers.This report is based on the findings of interviews conducted during the mission as well as desk research.