Josephine Kibe

Josephine was CGAP staff through June 2021. In her role as Operations Officer for the Gateway Academy, Josephine was responsible for the market development of the Gateway Academy and for reaching out to financial service providers who will be using the online learning platform.

Prior to this role, Josephine was an educator with Strathmore Business College in Nairobi and also worked in the Kenyan banking industry. She has a PhD in Economics from Fordham University and an undergraduate degree from Kenyatta University in Nairobi.

By Josephine Kibe


The Wrong Kind of Credit: Why Loans to Gig Workers Must Reflect Income

Volatile gig income and inflexible loan repayment schedules can be a dangerous mix, as this ride-hailing driver in Nairobi learned from experience. His story serves as a cautionary tale to lenders and borrowers in the gig economy.

COVID-19 Exposes Risks and Opportunities in Kenya's Gig Economy

Gig workers in Kenya report major disruptions to business and depleted savings due to COVID-19 (coronavirus), while platforms signal eagerness to facilitate government-to-person payments or loans to hard-hit workers.

How Are Kenya’s Youth Experiencing the Gig Economy?

The gig economy is on the rise in Africa. What does this mean for youth? In Kenya, CGAP interviewed young people to get their perspectives.

Reaching the Next Generation of Financial Services Customers in Africa

A growing body of evidence shows young people's potential as users of financial services in Africa.