Howard Miller

Howard Miller is a consultant working with CGAP's climate resilience team on the approaches that public funders can take to promote climate responsive financial services. He previously led research on climate at the Center for Financial Inclusion and before that has worked for clients including USAID, IFAD, FSD Africa and UNCDF on climate and rural finance. He is based in Italy.

By Howard Miller


How Are Funders Looking to Add Value in Digital Financial Inclusion?

The latest CGAP Funder Survey shows that less than half of development funding for digital financial inclusion goes to digital financial services (DFS) providers. Much of the funding instead goes toward building a DFS ecosystem.

Smallholder Households: Distinct Segments, Different Needs

CGAP research identifies three segments of smallholder households and uses data from nationally representative surveys of smallholder households to outline recommendations on high-value financial solutions.

5 Insights into Credit Scoring for Smallholders

Agricultural lending remains a frontier area even as the alternative lending space fills up with new players. Here are some early insights from CGAP's work on alternative credit scoring for smallholder farmers in Uganda.