a group of women in pakistani clothes sitting on the floor making pickled herbs and spices Photo by C4D 2021

Past Events


Agent Networks at the Last Mile: The Role of Policy Makers and Regulators

In this webinar, expert panelists discussed key findings from CGAP’s research on rural agent networks, with a focus on emerging lessons for policy makers and regulators.

The Systemic Approach: A Framework for Sustainable Change

Speakers covered designing for and monitoring systemic change with the Adopt-Adapt-Expand-Respond (AAER) framework, and examined the systemic approach in action using real examples from Kenya and the Philippines.

Beyond Consent: Why New Approaches to Data Protection and Privacy for the Digital Age Are Needed

In this webinar, CGAP explained why consumer consent is no longer effective. The National Institute of Public Finance and Policy presented research showing how even well-educated consumers in India could not understand consent documents, and CGAP discussed new approaches to data protection and privacy.

Fintechs and Financial Inclusion: Looking Past the Hype and Exploring Their Potential

Speakers from CGAP, MaTontine and Flourish highlighted the fintech innovations and key findings emerging from the report.“Fintechs and Financial Inclusion: Looking Past the Hype and Exploring Their Potential".
Washington, DC + Webex

Advances in India’s G2P Payments: Learnings from the Centre for Digital Financial Inclusion

CGAP invited Centre for Digital Financial Inclusion (CDFI), based in New Delhi, to explain how India re-designed its government-to-person (G2P) systems for the transfer of funds and its usage of the Aadhaar IDs to process applications within 30 days.

API Pricing for Digital Financial Services Providers: Getting Started

Speakers highlighted practical recommendations from the paper, "API Pricing for Digital Financial Service Providers: Getting Started.":

Basic Regulatory Enablers for Achieving Universal Financial Access: CGAP’s Insights from the Field

CGAP experts shared their knowledge on the Four Basic Regulatory Enablers and explained what works and why, and presented two case studies - Ghana and Tanzania.

Digital Banking and Financial Inclusion

Speakers discussed what digital banking means, how it has evolved, what business models we see emerging, what implications (if any) they have for financial inclusion and where the industry is going in the future.

Testing the Waters: Applications of Digital Payments in Water and Sanitation

Speakers from CGAP and GSMA explored the benefits of digital payments for the water supply and sanitation sector and how they can achieve their full potential.

Evaluating for Innovation: Gateway Academy’s Developmental Evaluation Approach

How do you effectively conduct evaluation in a dynamic and complex environment? During this webinar, speakers focused on the developmental evaluation approach and how it has been used in Gateway Academy.


Lamis Daoud
External Affairs Officer
1818 H Street NW
Washington, DC 20006 
Office: +1.202.848.6103 
