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CGAP Phase IV Mid-Term Evaluation

This report on the CGAP Phase IV Mid-Term Evaluation reflects feedback from the ExCom and CGAP staff between February and April 2012.
Reading Deck

Electronic G2P Payment Systems

Reading Deck

The Challenge of Inactive Customers


Designing Disclosure Regimes for Responsible Financial Inclusion

This Focus Note offers practical guidance to policy makers who are developing disclosure regimes in low-access environments.

Social Cash Transfers and Financial Inclusion

This Focus Note analyzes the profitability, affordability and use of electronic social cash transfers in Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and South Africa. By the end of 2012, it is expected that in the countries studied, only a small minority of G2P recipients will still be paid in cash.

Financially Inclusive Ecosystems: The Roles of Government Today

This Focus Note first describes the challenges of the broader financial inclusion landscape and then explores three promising roles government can play in developing more financially inclusive ecosystems.

Information Systems Technical Guide

The Guide is organized based on a four-step process aimed at procuring a new technology solution: project preparation, needs analysis, selection, and implementation. At the beginning of each section, a figure indicates which tool(s) accompany that section, the activities the institution should undertake, and the key considerations.

Trends in Cross-Border Funding

This Brief describes global trends in microfinance funding between 2007 and 2010.

Bank Agents: Risk Management, Mitigation, and Supervision

This Focus Note discusses the activities (and related risks) in which bank agents may engage, management and mitigation of agent-related risks, approaches to licensing and supervision of bank agent businesses, and possible corrective measures supervisors may take.

Incorporating Consumer Research into Consumer Protection Policy Making

This Focus Note describes CGAP's experience to date gathering qualitative and quantitative information directly from low-income consumers to inform financial consumer protection policy.