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Digitization in Microfinance: Case Studies of Pathways to Success

This Working Paper takes a unique look at microfinance institution innovation with digital technologies by featuring case studies on five MFIs that successfully created measurable customer and business value through digitization:

Development Finance Institutions and Financial Inclusion

It is time for DFIs to adopt an alternative approach to financial inclusion that prioritizes needed market changes. A shift to a market systems approach addresses this need and requires that DFIs carefully analyze each market to determine the key gaps, underlying causes, critical actors, and theory of change for bringing about sustainable market development.

Designing Digital Financial Services for Smallholder Families

This publication synthesizes learnings from across Zimbabwe, Senegal, Rwanda, and Cambodia, with the aim of providing financial service providers, donors, and other stakeholders with actionable insights into the ingredients for building successful, smallholder-specific digital financial services.

CGAP Consumer Protection Policy Diagnostic Report: Cambodia

CGAP conducted a pilot policy diagnostic mission in Phnom Penh in February 2009 to assess the Cambodian consumer protection policy environment for low-income and/or inexperienced customers.This report is based on the findings of interviews conducted during the mission as well as desk research.