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Using Satellite Data to Scale Smallholder Agricultural Insurance

Smallholder families that use agricultural insurance can increase investments in more productive farming and nonfarming ventures as they feel more confident in managing related risks. However, significantly scaling the use of agricultural insurance among smallholders has been difficult in many parts of the world, especially in Africa.

National Survey and Segmentation of Smallholder Households in Nigeria

This survey explores the agricultural and non-agricultural activities, financial practices and interests, and challenges and aspirations of over 3,300 smallholder families throughout Nigeria.

CGAP Smallholder Household Surveys: Nigeria User Guide

Over three-quarters of the population in Nigeria are involved in the agriculture sector. Yet despite their active financial and agricultural lives, smallholders in Nigeria have few tools to manage their irregular and volatile household cash flows.

Access to Finance in Nigeria: Microfinance

Given significant financial sector reforms and private sector innovations, there are encouraging signs that access to finance is poised for growth in Nigeria.